Booking Type
- Last Minutes (1) : time of booking until check-in is from 1 to 4 days
- Normal (2): booking time to check in time from 5 – 10 days
- Early (3): booking time to check in time more than 10 days
- Lease with contract (4): booking a stay of 1 month or more and have a different agreement with the service available at LY LY VILLA
Cancellation Refund
- Booking (1) : Prepay 100% of the booking value upon confirmation of booking and no refund.
- Booking (2) : Prepay 70% of the booking value upon confirmation of the booking and the rest upon check-in. If canceled before check-in time 5 days or more is refunded 30% on the booking value, otherwise will not be refunded.
- Booking (3) : 50% prepayment is made upon booking confirmation and the rest upon arrival. A maximum of 30% of the booking value will be refunded if canceled 10 days before arrival date, no refunds are provided.
- Booking (4) : Booking with a contract and agreement outside the contract. You prepay 30% of the booking value upon confirmation and no refund. You must pay 100% of the booking value upon check-in, the prepaid amount is only refundable at the end of the valid rental agreement.
Payment policy
- We support cash payment and bank transfer.
- With Vietnam Dong cash, accepting direct payment of current valid money, in every case of using fake money, customers will compensate 200% of the booking value and be responsible before the law.
- With foreign currencies, the exchange rate changes daily, so when paying or canceling, the exchange rate will be used at the time of transaction.
- Regarding direct transfer via bank account: as prescribed by the bank and the costs of transfer and exchange rate differences, the customer must pay the full amount.